This Week's Radio Features


Monday July 22, 2024
RoundUp Confusion
Sometimes brand names become synonymous with certain products. This is true for the popular herbicide RoundUp. Nebraska Extension Turfgrass Specialist Roch Gaussoin explains that what is in the bottle might not be what you think you’re buying and encourages consumers to read the label. MP3

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Tuesday July 23, 2024
Pinkeye in Cattle
A common disease in cattle this time of year is pinkeye and it can lead to some serious performance issues. UNL Diagnostic Pathologist Matt Hille talks about the causes and symptoms of pinkeye and cattle and one possible solution to help them avoid it. MP3

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Wednesday July 24, 2024
Crop Survival After a Flood Event
Flooded fields in the state cause headaches for producers with insurance as well as problematic issues with crop survival. Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Amy Timmerman discusses what producers should know about underwater crops and the probability of their survival. MP3

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Thursday July 25, 2024
Crop Survival After a Hail Event
Hail damaged crops are common in Nebraska, and their survival rate depends upon several factors. Nebraska Extension Educator Jenny Rees discusses what those factors are in corn and soybeans. MP3

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Friday July 26, 2024
2024 Nebraska Grazing Conference
Nebraska Extension will be presenting the 2024 Nebraska Grazing Conference August 6-7th at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney which will include a field tour of Platte River Prairies near Wood River. Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky talks about what attendees will experience during the conference. MP3

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