
Friday August 02, 2024
Sothern Rust in Corn
Warm and humid conditions have been optimal for southern rust development in corn. Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Tamra Jackson-Ziems says it’s been spotted in several counties in the eastern part of the state and in most cases, earlier than expected.MP3

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Thursday August 01, 2024
Drought Tolerant Wheat Research
University of Nebraska – Lincoln researchers are looking at the roots of new and old wheat varieties to identify drought tolerant genes. Nebraska Extension Educator Cody Creech says this will provide key traits wheat breeders can use to improve drought tolerance in the future.MP3

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Wednesday July 31, 2024
Japanese Beetle Update for Producers
Soybean producers should be actively scouting for Japanese Beetles, an insect that can cause mass defoliation of the crop. Nebraska Extension Entomologist Kyle Koch talks about economic thresholds and when to take control measures.MP3

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Thursday July 25, 2024
Crop Survival After a Hail Event
Hail damaged crops are common in Nebraska, and their survival rate depends upon several factors. Nebraska Extension Educator Jenny Rees discusses what those factors are in corn and soybeans. MP3

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Wednesday July 24, 2024
Crop Survival After a Flood Event
Flooded fields in the state cause headaches for producers with insurance as well as problematic issues with crop survival. Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Amy Timmerman discusses what producers should know about underwater crops and the probability of their survival. MP3

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Thursday July 18, 2024
Corn Disease Report
Some common corn diseases have already been reported in the state. Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Tamra Jackson Ziems says bacterial streak and tar spot are some diseases that crop producers should be on the lookout for. MP3

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Tuesday June 18, 2024
Groundwater Levels Update
Nebraska’s recent drought issues have caused most of the state’s groundwater to decline. UNL Geologist Aaron Young discusses the situation and also analyzes how recent precipitation has impacted groundwater levels.MP3

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Wednesday April 24, 2024
Army Cutworm in Western Nebraska Wheat and Alfalfa
Army cutworms specific to wheat and alfalfa have been spotted in Sioux and Lincoln Counties in Nebraska. Nebraska Extension Entomologist Julie Peterson talks about how to scout, and what to do if you find an infestation.MP3

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Tuesday April 16, 2024
Controlling Winter Annual Weeds in Corn and Soybeans
Winter annuals weeds can negatively impact the growth and yield of corn, soybean, and other cash crops like winter wheat. Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala talks about options for producers looking to keep the weeds down this spring.MP3

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Wednesday March 6, 2024
Pre-Planting Planter Maintenance
Making sure your planter is properly maintained and ready to go is critical to planting success. Nebraska Extension Engineer Paul Jasa talks about inspecting and making sure your planter is ready for the season. MP3

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Tuesday March 5, 2024
2024 Commodity Market Outlook
Volatile grain markets are nothing new to Nebraska Farmers. On today’s Almanac, Global Commodities Analytics President Mike Zuzulo talks about key factors that could affect this year’s prices. MP3

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Monday February 12, 2024
Optimizing Nitrogen Applications With An Online Management Tool
Efficient application of nitrogen will benefit farmers from time, material and money savings as well as controlling the amount that could become problematic for the environment. Extension Educator Laura Thompson talks about an online management tool that helps producers apply nitrogen more efficiently. MP3

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Friday January 12, 2024
Soybean Seed Selection
Researching past soybean crop disease problems is a good place to start when determining what type of seed to plant for the new season. Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Dylan Mangel talks about why starting with disease resistant soybean seeds is critical to avoiding disease problems next season. MP3

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Monday January 8, 2024
Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS)
Nebraska Extension offers a program to help crop producers do experimentation and research of their own to discover better ways to grow our food. Nebraska Extension Educator Chuck Burr discusses the TAPS program and how it helps farmers grow food more efficiently and cost effectively. MP3

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Tuesday December 19, 2023
Pesticide Application Drones
New technology is helping farmers save money, labor, and reduce chemical applies to the environment. Jordan Sayre from Agri Spray Drones talks about how their product is helping farmers be more efficient. MP3

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