Diesel Tractor Fuel Efficiency and Exhaust Emission Standards
Diesel engine performance and costs represent crucial factors for agricultural producers. University of Nebraska - Lincoln Associate Professor of Ag Economics Cory Walters talks about diesel engine efficiency and new EPA emission standards.
Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops
Nebraska Extension will present a series of workshops across the state for farm and ranch landowners, landlords, and tenants who want to learn more about current trends in farm or ranch real estate, and best practices for managing or leasing land. Nebraska Extension Ag Economist Shannon Sand said the workshops will help answer common questions about cash rent for landowners and tenants.
Livestock Risk Management Workshops
The latest insurance options and risk management information for livestock producers will be covered during a series of workshops across the state. Nebraska Extension Ag Economist Shannon Sand says attendees will learn about several key issues to help them reduce and manage risk when it comes to the volatile livestock market