Consider Securing Feed Supplies Now for Dry Conditions in 2025
Dry conditions throughout the winter may mean it’s a good idea to secure feed supplies right now. On Today’s Almanac, Extension Specialist Karla Wilke talks about how ranchers should be stocking up on certain feed supplies if conditions remain dry.
Preventing Enterotoxemia in Calves
Enterotoxemia in calves is a bacterial infection that can come on suddenly and be fatal. On today’s almanac, Nebraska Extension Educator Lyndsay Waechter-Mead talks about symptoms and prevention.
Wintering Growing Calves Using Corn Residue
Corn residue is an outstanding forage resource for wintering cows, but is also an option for backgrounding calves or growing heifers. Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Mary Drewnoski says winter grazing corn residue and providing supplemental distillers may be a and economic system to consider.
Can Pine Needles Cause Abortions in Cows?
Both green and dried needles from ponderosa pine trees have been proven to cause abortions in pregnant cows. Nebraska Livestock Systems Extension Educator Bethany Johnston offers some simple strategies to avoid pine needle abortion.
Vitamin A and Calf Health
Newborn calves need a healthy dose of vitamin A to help fight off any bacterial infections. Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Mary Drewnoski talks about the process of proper feeding and timing to get vitamin A into calves.
Chasing the Elusive Second Calf
First time heifers can sometimes experience problems getting bred for a second time. Nebraska Extension Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Specialist Management Karla Wilke discusses some of the reasons why getting a new heifer pregnant can be tricky.
Strategic Zinc Supplementation in Cattle
Cattle nutrition has a large effect on development and performance. Recent studies from Iowa State have focused on the importance of zinc in a cattle’s diet. Iowa State Feedlot Nutritionist Stephanie Hansen talks about zinc and how it helps in every stage of a cow’s development.
Beef Cattle Market Update
Numerous factors have given some livestock producers optimism in the cattle market. Tyler Cozzens from the Livestock Marketing Information Center in Denver talks about what is driving current markets and what producers should be keeping an eye on in the future.
Extension Beef Mineral Minute YouTube Series
Nebraska Extension is offering a new video series focusing on proper mineral intake in beef cattle. Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist says minerals in cattle diets is among one of the most frequently asked questions by Nebraska livestock producers, and she aims to help educate with this new series.
When to Call the Vet During Calving
Knowing when you make a timely call to your veterinarian when calving is essential. Nebraska Extension Veterinarian Lindsay Waechter-Mead says you should always call a professional if you are unsure how to proceed safely or if it takes more than 20 minutes to correct the problem.
Managing Postpartum in Cows for a Successful Breeding Season
As calving season starts for many producers, it is important to think about how to manage cows during the post-delivery phase. Nebraska Extension Cow-Calf Specialist Kacie McCarthy says producers should keep key issues in mind to ensure a successful breeding season.
Preparing for Calving Season
A fresh crop of calves is something cow-calf producers look forward to each year. Nebraska Extension Veterinarian Lindsay Waechter-Mead says having a plan and preparing ahead of time for the calving season can help to minimize calf loss and reduce stress.
Wintering Growing Calves Using Corn Residue
Nebraska Extension Specialist Mary Drewnoski talks about the benefits of feeding corn residue and distillers grains for wintering cows, backgrounding calves and heifers. She says it’s a good combination that will result in positive gains and performance.
Can Pine Needles Cause Abortions in Cows?
Snow covered feed and hungry cows might lead them to eat things they normally wouldn’t eat including pine needles. Extension Educator Bethany Johnston says if those cows are pregnant, they could have birthing problems including an aborted calf because of a compound in pine needles.
Researching Cattle Methane Emissions
The University of Nebraska beef team hopes to get a better handle on livestock methane emissions to create sustainable practices for the livestock industry. Nebraska Extension Beef Feedlot Specialist Galen Erickson talks about the complexity of researching this topic and why it’s so relevant to the livestock industry.