Range and Forage

Friday July 26, 2024
2024 Nebraska Grazing Conference
Nebraska Extension will be presenting the 2024 Nebraska Grazing Conference August 6-7th at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney which will include a field tour of Platte River Prairies near Wood River. Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky talks about what attendees will experience during the conference. MP3

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Tuesday July 16, 2024
2024 Forage Field Day
Nebraska Extension is hosting a forage field day August 6 at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory near Concord Nebraska. Extension Educator Ben Beckman explains the field day will have lots of hands-on as well as classroom learning for forage growers. MP3

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Thursday July 4, 2024
Summer Annual Forage Options
Producers looking for summer or fall forage options have several choices to make in July. Nebraska Beef Systems Specialist Mary Drewnoski talks about the goals and benefits of summer vs. fall annual forages.MP3

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Friday June 7, 2024
Leafy Spurge Control Through Mapping
Leafy spurge can overrun areas around your fields if not managed properly. Nebraska Extension Forage Educator Ben Beckman says mapping and proper timing of herbicide treatments will help control the noxious weed.MP3

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Thursday May 30, 2024
Targeted Cheatgrass Grazing
It’s not uncommon to see pasture lands in Western Nebraska filled with cheatgrass this time of year. Nebraska Extension Range Management Specialist Mitch Stephenson talks about strategically grazing cheatgrass to help mitigate it’s spread while maintaining nutrient requirements for cattle.MP3

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Tuesday May 28, 2024
Is Your Pasture Ready to Graze?
The time for turn out to primary summer pastures is near. Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky talks about key factors in understanding when your pasture is mature enough for grazing.MP3

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Monday May 27, 2024
The Red Cedar Problem
Once rare the Eastern redcedar has now become abundant and poses massive threats to Nebraska’s rangelands. University of Nebraska – Lincoln Woody Invasions Ecologist Dillon Fogerty offers some strategies to help control Eastern redcedar in grasslands.MP3

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Monday April 22, 2024
Precipitation Outlook for Ranchers
Spring rains set the foundation for forage and grass production for most of the growing season. Nebraska Extension Agricultural Meteorology and Climate Resilience Extension Educator Eric Hunt talks about precipitation outlooks for Nebraska.MP3

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Wednesday March 13, 2024
Spring Annual Forages
It’s not too early to begin thinking about planting spring forages. Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky talks about what options producers have and how to anticipate the need for extra feed.MP3

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Wednesday February 21, 2024
Spring Annual Forages
With spring not far off, now is the time to start planning and thinking about any spring annual forages you want to plant. Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky says there are plenty of options including the traditional planting of oats.MP3

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Tuesday December 26, 2023
What to Know About Feeding Road Ditch Hay to Cows
Did you harvest roadside or “ditch hay” this year to supplement your winter feed? Nebraska Extension Educator Troy Walz says there are several things for you to think about and keep in mind as you feed.MP3

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Friday December 15, 2023
Understanding the Grass Value in Nebraska
Understanding the value of grass and the opportunities available to grow and harvest more of it are fundamental to ranch success. Nebraska Extension Range Management Specialist Mitch Stephenson talks about properly managing grassland on your operation and why it’s important.MP3

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Wednesday November 29, 2023
Rotational Grazing Benefits
Cattle can sometimes be picky, or hungry eaters which can lead to issues when grazing pastures. Nebraska Extension Forage Systems Educator Ben Beckman says implementing rotational, or strip grazing can be beneficial to both your cattle and pastures.MP3

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Wednesday August 30, 2023
Drought Damaged Smooth Bromegrass Pastures
Pastures in eastern Nebraska have had a tough time recovering from drought conditions. Extension’s Daren Redfearn and Ben Beckman talk about strategies for managing damaged pastures. MP3

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Wednesday August 23, 2023
Fall Planting Winter and Spring Small Grains
Small grains are a great way to supplement livestock feed and improve soil health. Nebraska Extension Forage and Crop Residue Specialist Daren Redfearn talks about small grain planting dates and selections that may work for your operation.MP3

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